Stray – Cat Simulator

by beo, Sunday, 5 May 2024 (5 months ago)
Stray – Cat Simulator

Stray – Cat Simulator

Hello everyone!
Have you ever thought that one day you will reincarnate as a cat and survive in a post-apocalyptic world? Having a cat, how can one overcome threats in such a dangerous world. Then you must follow the journey of a stray cat home in a game that has received a lot of attention recently called Stray – Cat Simulator

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Stray is a game with an extremely gentle and relaxing storyline, but somewhere dark and sad about a lost kitten and finds its way home. The game begins with the player controlling a feral cat, while exploring and having fun with his 3 friends and climbing up a dilapidated water pipe when he falls into a large divided underground area. with friends.

From here, players officially enter the journey of human underground adventure, but here it has been very desolate because of the post-apocalypse.This underground city has almost no life, only mysterious robots and a security system that keeps track of the lost cat, and this security system is separated by a wall long and the gate is locked – this looks more like a giant cage than a city. The kitten discovers that strange creatures are trying to attack him known as Plus but with his agility he escaped them.

At the same time, the kitten also discovered a kind of artificial intelligence in AI that exists in the abandoned computers in the city.But fortunately the cat found help from a mini drone, the AI ​​said that it was helping a scientist, when the new body transformation failed, so its memory was near as broken and need time to recover.This AI also introduced it as B12 and to thank the feral cat’s help, now B12 will accompany the feral cat.According to information from B12, it has been 7 million years since humans have seen this world,B12 promises to help the cat escape this ruined city, open the locked gate and help the cat return to his family his family.In the process of finding a way out of the city, we also know that the robots that are hovering in the city are devices created for the purpose of serving people, but after the apocalypse they have developed and created a society of its own and was also imprisoned for 7 million years underground, having never seen the light of the sun – a natural light emitted from the star shining down on the earth creating warmth to help humanity kind of happiness and growth.

The 20 guardians of the robot community tell the cat and B12 that there is a group called the Outsider each group of robots are trying to escape this city to step foot on the ground.It seems that even in the society where there are robots, oppression and class discrimination still take place, there are some types of robots with higher and more luxurious lives living in a place called downtown. and there are the bad guys of the rat and the robots in this world that also imitate human traits like eating.

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The feral cat and B12 are near an Outsider team called Momo who will ask the cat to help him find his friends and find a way to escape the persecution of the countries with the help of Outsider the cat with B12 was able to reach the center of the city,in the process of discovering the cat discovered a company called Nikko corporation that invented a bacteria to eliminate dispose of organic waste in the city,but the bacteria mutated and evolved to invade organic markers and even robots.Then the cat and B12 found a Vietnamese robot doctor gave the cat a device that allows him to destroy the robots that have a fever.

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Watch this device cat and B12 couple and continue their journey.They run through the sewers here as we also learn that the critters are more than just infiltrating little pink robots anymore and they’re evolving into something really scary later on and we need to stop them.In addition, the pair also locate another Clementine who began planning to steal on the atom to power a mid-ship train to the surface after which the head cat B12 was captured by The Sentinels are robots whose duty is to guard and take them into the prison.

More about Sentinels they were originally created to protect humans against crime and maintain order for the natural society in the post-apocalyptic world after the various groups of robots that roamed them became the wrong for the powerful guns are the perfect tools to control the city as they are always loyal and tireless then Clementine decides she will call back to distract the Sentinels to give the cat with B12 Escape onto the train that takes them to a dozen levels of control in the city. This area is much more spacious and modern than the rest of the city.In addition, it seems that the robots here still keep their original programming, not transformed and develop into a separate society.The robots are always waiting for their human owners to return. More about the control center area – This is where the leaders used to live and control all and the real common people. very dissatisfied with the people at the control center managing this city, the people who live on the run have a very good life.

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In addition, during the process of exploring the city B12 has also gradually restored his memories of having to fight B12 to see a strange machine and it explains to the cat that the human scientist about the used this device he was sick with a disease having this machine was his last hope he used this machine to infuse his consciousness with a kind of digital intelligence that can penetrate and all kinds of robots to prolong my life.However, his failed transformation of consciousness stuck for hundreds of years until the little cat appeared and then B12 remembered that he was the scientist he used to be. It turns out that the city where they are standing is called Won.City 99 This is an underground area built to protect humanity from disaster on the surface of nature an epidemic has occurred and wiped out the entire human race and B12’s family was also lost because of the epidemic and couldn’t help but watch helplessly watching each one go, the people in the control center thought they were the upper class who just took over.

All because of that they have no hands to help the common people who are being killed by the plague. However, the end is that the disease is becoming more and more uncontrollable along with the rise of people in layers below. it’s late the last leaders of the card B12 realize that the last human race to decline and the last legacy that humanity leaves in the world right now are robots and it also realizes what I should do At this point B12 decides to sacrifice itself to be able to disable the control system of the city center, it requires a huge amount of energy much larger than what and a drone. can handle it, but B12 still tries to disable security and control the system to open the city.

However, trying to break the security system destroyed B12’s software, so it seems that the promise to go out into the outside world together to keep the cat and B12 will not be able to be fulfilled after saying goodbye. bye the little plane then turned off and now it’s on the ground the wild cat Approaches his friend repeatedly with his body and the inanimate plane in the hope of getting a reply because many replies to him is a mindless pile of iron, the cat decides to rest a bit, but sleeps next to his friend in the hope that when he wakes up his friend will also wake up in the meantime the gates of the city Won.City 99 street has been opened to light, the sun has begun to shine on the city that has been in darkness for hundreds of years, but bacteria from exposure to sunlight have been killed.At the same time, the Clementines are also disabled, all the robots imprisoned in the place are opened to a new life, no longer wandering in this ruined city, but will be brought to the outside world for the first time. for their centuries of life.

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Now there is no city that has been exposed to tall statues and continues to have a journey to find his family, suddenly an old screen flickers again, not sure what it represents. This is a sign of the return of B12 hundred and ends with an open ending and makes players with the possibility that this game will develop a sequel, but there are still many questions. The question was asked after we finished the game the first question was what happened to B12 we all know one thing for sure that B12 did not have a happy ending, in the control room B12 did had to use all his energy to crack the security system and some of that led to the B12’s software having destroyed the drone.

Since no one’s consciousness would be shut down whether or not there is a high chance of disappearing leaving behind the mother’s number of sleeping next to the lifeless body for a long time I think we all hope to suddenly hear a mechanical voice of B12 emanating from a computer or any robot so we know that B12 is still there it just switches its consciousness after another piece of hardware sadly natural that is didn’t happen and the fact that B12 did actually go is more likely than the fact that it was sleeping somewhere.

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The next question is what will happen to Won City 99 which is a city with a high and thick wall surrounding it in the sense that the Attack On Titan version can’t do that during the process. Escape the city and step out into the outside world to be the king of goals
the cat’s precursor and B12 and after the gate is opened the furniture in the city can now live in a more haunted environment and there will probably be more Theo Tran robots exploring the world. out there, but in general, the sunlight shining on Won.City 99 helps this city to turn a new page, a new ecosystem and the evil forces that devastated the city also disappear.
If the fat man can find his family again or will he find another city surrounded by walls, the cat will find out what was really coming, will B12 come back to him? cat all those questions will probably be answered for our next part. We only know one thing for sure that the journey of the post-apocalyptic cat will still continue.