by beo, Sunday, 5 May 2024 (10 months ago)


In the past month, the Horror Game series has released very interesting products not only in terms of graphics but also new gameplay.
And most recently, an Indie game that has received a lot of support from gamers, launched in September 2020 on both Windows and VR platforms, the game has given players creepy experiences when being free to play. I became a spiritual hunter.

The game is designed to be extremely simple, we will combine with 3 other players to go into an area previously reported to have appeared paranormal phenomena, or in the game called ghosts.Our main task is to find out what kind of ghost is present in that area and leave it as quickly as possible. Currently the game has 3 difficulty levels: Amatuer, Intermediate and Professtional.
Depending on the difficulty, the ghosts will attack more or less in Amatuer and Intermediate mode, you will have a time from 2 to 5 minutes to set up without fear of being attacked by ghosts. Professtional, the ghost will be able to attack as soon as you enter the house, but don’t worry because the chance of this happening is very low.After completing a level, if you complete the clues and missions, we will have a small amount of money to buy better equipment and sometimes equipment to reduce risk in the process.


If we are caught by ghosts in any level, we will lose all equipment and depending on the number of devices more or less, the game will return a corresponding insurance amount. Initially we will find Phasmophobia very difficult to play, but once we understand the working principle of ghosts, we will find them very quickly.Remember that the first priority is to find the haunted room because if you find it, it will be very easy to determine what type of ghost the haunted room will change with each level but it always has One common feature is that the room temperature is very low.
So right from the start the group just took the thermometer, and checked all the rooms in the house. Any room with the temperature below 7, it is the haunted room and the big maps like school or hospital, if you have not found the haunted room, but the ghost has started to attack, hide through a room, and hear the ghost’s footsteps, why is that in Phasmophobia.Ghosts when active 10 move very quickly from the haunted room to the player, so when the ghost attacks without hearing anything, it means that the haunted room is far away from us, so the ghost I haven’t gotten to the haunted room yet. Now we’ll go into the analysis, but I want to remind you that this is just a game.So the following information I only added in terms of the game, so I hope you guys don’t think too deeply about it. We know that Phasmophobia is inspired by the syndrome of Fear of ghosts So what is fear of ghosts? Fear of ghosts is what most of us have felt when we were children we are afraid of being alone, and feel insecure when in dark or empty places, haunted by some dangerous existence.Why are there such things, in fact, the fear of ghosts is because our brains have been exposed to horror information too early from a young age, threats saying that being alone will be captured by ghosts Or warning that The devil often hides in the dark.Most of us are often afraid of things that we can’t explain And our brain will come up with a reason that is because of the devil, for example, two children see a dark figure standing outside the window.The first kid will think it’s a ghost, and the second kid will think it’s a thief.From that, we conclude that the first child has a fear of ghosts. Currently in the game there are all 7 haunted areas, including 5 houses, 1 school and 1 mental hospital in the diary. We have information about 12 different types of ghosts. All of them are identified through 3 unique factors of each type, and they show through evidence. If you take a UV light on the door, and see the fingerprints. hand then it’s proof Fingerprint handwriting, or weird character is Ghostwriting temperature below zero is Freezing Temperator proof.


EMF machine with 5 lights on is proof that EMF Level 5 uses a soul communicator and hearing voices is proof of Spirit Box. Finally, seeing in a haunted room with flying lights is evidence of Ghost Orb
Because ghosts are identified through evidence, evidence is found through electronic devices. From those clues we can determine that the ghosts we see in the game are all real.
But luckily all the ghosts we meet in the game.Whatever they are, they are definitely in the 12 types of ghosts listed in the list so what are these 12 types of ghosts:

The first type of ghost is Spirit, it is considered quite common Spirit is the soul of the living Objects from the dead but reappear in the living world with the form of a white shadow. Spirit are usually people who die suddenly,for unknown reasons, that’s why they always hang around the place where they die.

The second type is Wraith a type of ghost originating from Scottish culture.Considered an evil spirit while alive, they always find ways to harm people, and when they die they still want to do it Wraith is an extremely dangerous type of ghost, because their main purpose is to destroy and cause harm.

For the 3rd type living person, Phantom, this is a special type of ghost they are considered as guardians.Spirits who become Phantoms often have an object they love very much while they are alive and until they die, the Phantoms continue to guard and protect that object.

The fourth type is Poltergeist, also known as noisy spirits. Poltergeists are immaterial entities created from emotions of anger and violence.

The 5th type is Banshee, a spirit from Icelandic mythology Believed to be the herald of bad luck, accompanied by cries and groans Banshee is the spirit of those who hate society, are jealous, jealous, they die. Go and become Banshee and stay true to yourself they still hate people and take great pleasure in seeing other people’s loss.

The 6th type is Jinn, this is a religious spirit, originating from Arabia
In theological theories, people who believe strongly in any religion while still alive can still become Jinn, a good or bad Jinn ghost manifesting in its beliefs if its religion is directed towards it. If it’s good, it’ll be a good Jinn and if it’s a heretic, it’ll be a really bad Jinn

The 7th type is Mare, evil spirits originating from Germany
Mare is the source of nightmares They are happy to see the helplessness of others being around people who have a lot of pressure in their lives They poison people with bad things to make them feel scared and helpless

The 8th type is the Revenant, a vengeful spirit of French origin
As its name suggests, Revenants are spirits that are angry after their death
They can’t rest until they get revenge on those who caused their deaths
A soul becomes a Revenant when they have something to do or a resentment they can’t let go of.

The 9th type is Shade, this type of soul is quite simple, if Spirit appears in the realm of life in the form of white shadows, then Shade appears with their own form when they are alive. For example, when walking on the road you pass by. We pass through someone but we don’t see that person when we look back, and the theory suggests that we see Shade more often than we thought but only realize it when we see them in secluded places.

The 10th type is Demon, this type is needless to say extremely cruel Demon created by the sins of souls while they are alive Like murderers, serial killers or torturers these people receive find out their sins not only do not repent, but also take it as pleasure Demons are very fond of sin, and they live on sin So they often lead people to do bad things.

The 11th type is the Yurei, a type of ghost in Japanese culture that is a spirit born in the form of a dead person to fulfill the last thing that person wants. Yurei is similar to the Revenant in terms of purpose, but the form is different. Revenant is the spirit of the dead, and Yurei is a spirit created by the emotions of the dead.

The last type is Oni, also a type of Japanese ghost Oni, also known as goblin, or Oni and Demon. They are all the same, only differing in their names according to Japanese theology, the most evil cannot be changed to become Oni after death, and since Oni and Demon are similar, this is also a dangerous type of ghost, and will attack without the purpose that is to analyze all 12 types of ghosts available in Phasmophobia.

So in the end, what is the story of Phasmophobia based on the map, the haunted areas are located in North America when Entering the garage, there will be a voice saying
“Welcome back, I’ve prepared a few things for you here I have a list of people who need your help”
As you can see, the second sentence translates to: “I have a list of people who need your help.”

I have a theory that the story in Phasmophobia is about a ghost hunting club
The interesting thing about this ghost hunting club is that its members are all phobias. The purpose of the club is to make people more awake. Through approaching spirits This hypothetical scientific method also relies on clues such as pre-set cameras, people standing in trucks

The pre-written information seems to have been backed up from the beginning. In the game when we are captured by the ghost, we will see two hands covering the eyes of the ghost standing before us and then There is a sound of a light bulb breaking. This expression is like the ghost that made me lose my mind and died from extreme stress. If you have played the game then you will surely notice that when our sanity parameter is too low. Usually below 50% or less than 70% when encountering a Demon, then the ghost will appear and attack us. That’s what the game wants us to understand That ghosts is the cause of death but is caused by the stress within ourselves. That stress makes us lose consciousness and always fear Phasmophobia allows us to experience the feeling of fear when there is an invisible entity following. monitor but also train us to stay awake, through each level of play, each soul.

The most important thing is not advanced equipment or a lot of money but sanity. Because only when you are awake will you be proactive in everything. Understand problems and solve problems in a scientific way. Information from Trello of the game. In the future Phasmophobia plans to release 3 new maps including: 1 prison, 1 apartment building and 1 mansion. They also plan to make more sounds for ghosts when attacking. This is a good game and hopefully with its success Kenetic Game will give us new experiences about the spirit world and perhaps a complete story in the game. Official launch of the game

And that is the `apkfree` hypothesis for the psychological horror game Phasmophobia, if there is anything unreasonable or incorrect, please comment below.