Detention (Name : 返校) 100👍

by beo, Sunday, 5 May 2024 (10 months ago)
Detention (Name : 返校) 100👍

Detention (Name : 返校)

Curious with horror games but have a fragile heart? So perhaps Detention is not a bad choice when the horror comes mostly from many spiritual elements in a dark, ghostly setting instead of the startling phases of bloody killing or Jumpscare.

Detention (Original name: 返校) is a 2D Taiwanese game in the horror – adventure – puzzle genre developed by the Red Candles game-making team set in 1960s Taiwan.

Since its launch in 2017, with simple gameplay and manipulation, but carefully invested graphics, sound and storyline, Detention has received a lot of good feedback from the gaming community.
The game opens with the image of male student Nguyen Trong Dinh dozing in teacher An’s class. Moments later, the school superintendent walked into the class and asked Ms. An about some secret list. After waking up, Dinh realized that it was already dark, everyone had gone home to avoid the storm, and the dark classroom was alone.On the way out of school, he happened to meet female student Phuong Nhue Han sleeping in the hall. Together, the two find a way to return home, but the only way back is the destroyed bridge. Both decided to go back to school to wait.

From here, the new journey really begins. Players will follow Phuong Nhue Han, and also Nguy Trong Dinh to enter the world of stories – stories of intimacy, love, friendship, but not the bright aspects, but instead shrouded in darkness of hatred, misunderstanding, betrayal, death…
The end of the game, as “Liberation” as the name, or detention (Detention) as in the English name, depends on the player himself. The choice to continue to hate and then forever be imprisoned in an endless loop or receive corrections to no longer be haunted by the past, all because of your final choices.


This is not only a simple horror game, but also a story, a story that seems to be only for individuals but has the colors of the times, reflecting the darkness of a Iron Army period. rule in Taiwan in the 1960s and left people thinking once the game was over. In addition, Detention also excelled in promoting a part of Asian culture in general and Taiwanese folklore in particular when skillfully integrating spiritual elements in a magical yet nostalgic setting – a point of interest. light makes this game “stand out” in the horror game market.




This has a movie on Netflix, watching it…